● 地下鉄(大阪メトロ)の場合。 千日前線の新深江4番出口下車。UFJ銀行の前にでます。それを南へ4分。近鉄電車の高架をくぐり、次の道を右折すぐ。
● 近鉄今里駅を南出口下車、左折して道なりにまっすぐ。川を超え進むと右側に貝本自動車があります。それを左折。真っ直ぐ行くと、近鉄電車の高架が見えます。高架の手前を右折すると。すぐあります。
● お車の場合もコクヨ本社を目指しコクヨ本社に西側を南下すれば分かりすいです。
For subway (Osaka Metro). Get off at Shin-Fukae exit 4 on the Sennichimae line. I will be in front of UFJ Bank. 4 minutes south of it. Go under the elevated Kintetsu train and turn right on the next road.
● Get off at Kintetsu Imazato Station South Exit, turn left and follow the road. After crossing the river, you will find Kaimoto Motors on your right. turn left on it. If you go straight, you will see the elevated Kintetsu train. Turn right before the overpass. It’s right there.
● If you are traveling by car, it is easy to find if you head south toward the Kokuyo head office on the west side of the head office.